Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is what people commonly call “talk therapy.” Its purpose is to help clients better understand the meaning of their symptoms, conflicts and internal experiences. The goal of psychodynamic therapy is to achieve greater self-awareness and understanding of unconscious conflicts and motivations, and use these insights to help clients effect changes that will lead to richer and more fulfilling lives.
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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a treatment technique developed in the 1980s that was originally designed to relieve symptoms resulting from trauma. Today it is also used to treat a range of other issues including anxiety, phobias, fears and problems with self-esteem.
EMDR uses eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (BLS) to help the brain make connections between traumatic experiences and memories and more adaptive thoughts and perceptions.
After successful EMDR treatment, emotional distress caused by unresolved earlier experiences is diminished, and the physiological symptoms often associated with such experiences are reduced. EMDR helps to bring about new learning, reduce negative thoughts, emotions and behavior, and enhance the development of healthier behaviors, interactions and relationships.
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Somatic experiencing (SE)
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented treatment for relieving and resolving the symptoms resulting from trauma and numerous other psychological, emotional and health-related problems.
Somatic Experiencing is based on the idea that in the moment of trauma, energy becomes activated, but is often blocked from discharge. This blocked energy becomes trapped in the nervous system interfering with its ability to properly regulate itself causing symptoms such as anxiety, depression, tension, panic, hyper-vigilance, pain and physical symptoms.
By focusing awareness on the client’s internal experience, SE helps to gently relieve the tension of this trapped energy and to restore more balanced regulation to the nervous system resulting in improved mood, decreased tension, greater resilience and increased capacity for dealing with the stresses of life.
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Hypnosis is a technique that brings clients into a state of deep relaxation often referred to as a trance. In trance there is deep inward attention and concentration. In this hypnotic state, people are frequently able to access inner strengths, problem-solve, and use their unconscious minds in ways they are not ordinarily able to do. Hypnosis can help people to realize more of their potential and improve their ability for self-control. Clinical hypnosis can be combined with other therapeutic techniques to address issues such as anxiety, self-esteem, confidence, phobias, and medical problems.
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Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Internal Family Systems therapy is based on working with “parts” or aspects of the self that become triggered or activated in different situations. Have you ever thought, “A part of me feels I can do it, yet another part seems to be holding back.” We all have different parts of ourselves that can emerge depending on the circumstances. Often and ideally these “parts” operate smoothly and in an integrated fashion, led by our core “self”. We may be a “hard worker” at our jobs, a “devoted partner” to our spouse, a “loving mother” to our children. But at other times “parts” can emerge that are insecure, self-critical or down-right self-defeating. These parts that may have had a protective role in the past can interfere with our present-day growth and development. They can prevent us from having a more fulfilling life or accessing our full potential. IFS can help us to know and understand these parts and achieve a more integrated sense of ourselves.
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Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
AEDP is a nurturing, responsive therapeutic model that incorporates the belief that deep, viscerally felt emotion has the power to transform. Through moment to moment tracking of emotion and body sensation; bringing to awareness unconscious defenses deeply held inside; and privileging the relationship between therapist and client, AEDP provides a corrective emotional experience that dissolves aloneness and shame and allows for the unfolding of the true self.
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